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Mock ACT - 5/16/2020 - Vienna VA

  • Wesley United Methodist 711 Spring Street Southeast Vienna, VA, 22180 United States (map)

Vint Hill Educational Services offers mock testing for the ACT and SAT. We supply the test booklet, essay booklet, answer sheet, testing timer, extra pencils, and a proctor. Each student receives a 9 page diagnostic report (sample ACT and SAT) using our test scoring software. We only use official ACT and SAT practice tests. 

For the ACT and SAT, we will review the scores to see which test the student is scoring higher on. Since all colleges and universities accept both tests, it's beneficial to know if your child is scoring higher on the ACT or SAT. Check out our ACT versus SAT comparison chart for test differences. Sometimes the difference is like night and day, and for others, it may be a hairline higher on one versus the other. The student won't know which test is better, unless the individual takes one of each. We'll use our score concordance chart in order to make a test recommendation. 

Students will need to bring: a calculator, two No. 2 pencils, snacks, and a drink.

Group Mock ACT - Vienna