
10 Ways to Manage Everyday Stress (for Teens)

10 Ways to Manage Everyday Stress (for Teens)

At times, a small surge of stress can be a positive thing. It can help you do well under pressure, be on time, or meet a deadline. It can alert you to a problem you need to handle. It can motivate you toward your goals. It can push you to study, plan, and prepare.

But too much stress — or stress you can’t manage — keeps you from doing and feeling your best. It can wear you down, drain your energy, and make it harder to get things done. Too much stress can lead you to feel cranky, annoyed, or scattered.

You can’t avoid stress. But you can make it a goal to keep everyday stress at low levels.

What Is Academic Burnout?

What Is Academic Burnout?

Feeling less motivated than usual? More exhausted and irritable? Less inspired and creative in your schoolwork? You may have academic burnout, which is a very real condition that is both diagnosable and treatable with the right steps.

The first part of treating academic burnout is recognition and acknowledgment of the condition, followed by some serious commitment to change your current habits. You can overcome academic burnout, and prevent it from happening again! We’ll explain exactly how you can do so plus the best tips for avoiding burnout altogether.